
Biology PSI Society Homeworld Language Background Notes


The Natrof are approximately 5 feet (1.5m) in height and weigh about 180 lbs (approx 80kg). They are humanoid in form, having very muscular legs and arms as well as very developed torsos. They are covered in brown scales suggesting a reptilian beginnings. There skulls are very much like human skulls but are over an inch thick, highlighting their warrior tendencies. However, despite being a warrior race, the Natrof are very good rational thinkers, something rarely seen for a race of such warlike ways. Scientific intelligence is however very limited with very few of them possessing enough brain power to develop their technology, thus preventing them from being one of the super powers of the galaxy.

Natrof sexual organs are hidden within their torso, presumably to protect them through the course of their very violent life and as such nothing else is known about their reproductive ability. Male and Females are virtually indistinguishable to most outsiders.


No Psi ability has been observed in the Natrof.


All decisions from the Natrof are made by a group of 13 members, 2 from each of the 6 largest clans and 1 representative from the other minor clans. This group is called the Drak-Natrof (translates to "Natrof Council") and is responsible for all Natrof actions within the Union of Independent Worlds. The 2 members of each clan always vote the same way (although this is only tradition) but primarily have 2 places to show their importance over the minor clans (They smallest of the 6 large clans has 2 billion members as opposed to the total members of the minor clans being about 1 billion) While the Drak-Natrof always makes decisions by voting, the clans themselves are very different and are still rooted in their warrior ways. The clan leader (Boodam) is responsible for most decisions made by the clan. Every 2 solar years (see below) the position of Boodam is contested through combat, the current Boodam must accept a challenge by the clans best warrior. The fight is won by submission, knockout or death, the winner becomes the Boodam for the next 2 years. Likewise other positions within the clan are contested in the same manner at the same time, or if the Boodam is dissatisfied with someone's performance.


The Natrof homeworld has a think atmosphere of 88% nitrogen, 10% oxygen. The rest is made up mostly of CO2. This Earth like atmosphere content gives Manwon (comes from an old Natrof dialect and roughly means "Our home") an Earth like look to it. Manwon however has only 40% of it's surface area covered by water and as a result has many vast deserts - the largest of which, Greekar, covers nearly a third of the total land mass. Arable land is in no shortage though, as farming techniques have developed very efficiently (to feed the armies). Other than a few small islands, Manwon consists of only a single land mass and is roughly 1.5 times the size of Earth. It has a rotation period of under 20 hours and gravity twice that of Earth.


The Natrof language is very simple and leave little room for ambiguity. Most sentences will take the form of "Subject Verb Object", ie "Traa Keesh Kat" would translate to "Traa fight Kat", and has none of the complexities of pronouns, varying verbs, etc that Earth languages possess. To an outsider this can be confusing and complicated initially. However, over the past 100 years (Earth standard) a variation of the Natrof language has started to develop among the Natrof intellects which is using some of the features of other language that they experience. This variation is not likely to find its way into the traditional Natrof language as the intellects are an extremely small portion of the population. A short discussion paper has been provided by the researcher Steven Wojciechowski on the development of Natrof Writing.


The Natrof have always been a warrior race but over the generations they began to realize the value of their own lives and soon also valued cooperation and survival. The development of rational thought far exceeded that of intellectual thought, so while technology made virtually no progress for thousands of years, the social structure of Natrof and it's clans was always changing. Clans stopped fighting where there was nothing to gain, clans would surrender if defeat was inevitable (surrender was no longer a disgrace as survival of the clan would be ensured). On discovery of a more powerful clan, two warring clans would immediately unite to fight the new threat. Eventually 6 clans became dominant on Manwon and left the remaining small clans no choice but to form an alliance to protect themselves. Not long after this a small fleet of ships (of unknown race) entered the system having only just escaped a fight with their lives. Damaged and short on supplies they had no choice but to contact the Natrof for aid.

Upon contact with another, more powerful race the Natrof reacted in their traditional manner and united together to fight the new threat. All attempt at contact were met with hostility but for some reason the new race did not give up(*). Eventually communication was made and the Natrof agreed to help in exchange for technology(**). For many years the race stayed and taught the Natrof to build their own ships, thus forming the group of intellects that would form the basis for all further research. The race (who the Natrof simply refer to as Triwa, Great Ones) then left the system and have never been see again by the Natrof(*).

The Natrof have now been space bound for 800 earth years and have had only minor success in developing their technology, but are still working to ensure their survival and were very happy to join the Union of Independent Worlds. Their biggest achievement is the construction of the clan flagships. Each of the 6 ships (one for each of the major clans) are 800m(half a mile) long and boast an impressive array of beam and pulse weapons. The flagships very formidable but are primarily used for defense and thus rarely stray outside Natrof space.

(*) It is wildly believed that this fleet of ships were the last of a race on the verge of extinction and since leaving Manwon have been destroy and lost forever. Damaged to the extent of losing their jump engines they had no choice but to seek the help of the Natrof.

(**) The Natrof once again recognised the need of survival and technology was the means to do so, especially against others who also possess it.


Since becoming space bound the Natrof have never warred among themselves which is regarded as an amazing achievement.

The Natrof have always been an honest race and have never been known to double cross anyone. Cynics believe this is because they lack the brain power to understand a double cross.

See Also:
Natrof Ships
The Writings of the Natrof
Natrof Legends

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen